
Pubbles App para iPhone

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 2.3
  • 4.2

  • Estado de Seguridad

Análisis Softonic

Pubbles App: Una aplicación de redes sociales centrada en la privacidad y la comunidad

Pubbles is a social networking app that aims to address the privacy concerns of users when expressing themselves on social media platforms. Developed by Abdulrahman Almadani, this free app is available exclusively for iPhone users.

With Pubbles, users can create their own private "pubbles" and share their events and activities exclusively with their chosen community. The app focuses on providing a safe space for users to freely express themselves without the fear of judgment or unwanted exposure.

Unlike traditional social media platforms, Pubbles prioritizes privacy and community. Users have the freedom to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences within their inner circle, fostering a sense of trust and openness. By creating private "pubbles," users can control who has access to their content and ensure that their personal information remains secure.

Pubbles addresses the problem of feeling unsafe and restricted on public social media platforms by offering a solution that values privacy and community. It provides a platform where users can express themselves freely, knowing that their content is shared only with their chosen community.

If you're looking for a social networking app that prioritizes privacy and allows you to connect with your inner circle without the fear of judgment, Pubbles is worth exploring.

Programa disponible en otros idiomas

Pubbles App para iPhone

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 2.3
  • 4.2

  • Estado de Seguridad

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